Saturday, October 25, 2014

Photoshop Fun

So I was assigned to do a photoshop assignment where I needed to take a picture. The picture could be old, new, or something random. I then needed to add elements to it. I kept thinking of all the funny photobombs I could do. All the selfies I could make look more ridiculous then they already were and are. The random items I could make float.

I went to my family and asked for old pictures of my Grandparents. My Grandma passed when my Father was 13 years old. My Grandpa passed when I was either three or five. I would have loved to known them. I had a few images that where shared over Facebook and I decided that these were the ones I wanted to use.

I believe this first one is my favorite. I have always wondered what he would be like and if he was still here what advise he would have been able to give me during the good and the hard times.

This second one I thought would be fun because of how the photo was set up. It was as if someone was supposed to be sitting in the passenger seat.

Here are all the actual images before edditing

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Card Design.

Though they may seem very basic. It is the simplicity of the design that actually keeps a customer from questioning "what am I looking at?"
The designs presented are two companies in Salt Lake City that I was contracted through a St. George local company to create some business cards. Some of you may also like to know that I am currently learning how to design websites via HTML, CSS, CSS3 and other languages such as Python.

Below are the Images for the cards that have been designed, excepted and currently used.

Some of you are probably looking at this saying "he can't stay in the lines!" These are images of the the final with the 1/4" bleed section attached.