Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A logo design for SLC?

As you might of guessed the image bellow isn't for Salt Lake City but for a company in Salt lake called "Salt Lick Leather."

They are looking for some ideas so I sent this there way. Not sure if they have decided to use it.

Volksen Media

A young man who wanted a logo for his own media company. I mocked up six originals that were simple for him. He then said he wanted something different and started drawing it out for me. So I did three additional logos for him and he chose the middle one.

The life of a graphic designer.

My love of folk music.

Most people who know me, know that I love folk music. So I decided to create a mandolin in Illustrator as a 3D object.

It makes me want to make one in real life.

All you need is love.

I have been playing with font images and came up with this. I think this could make a cool sticker or poster.